
Posted: Tue 06th November 2018

We'd like to say a warm welcome to our new vet Hannah. Not to be confused with our existing vet Hannah! And a warm welcome to our new receptionist Sam. Also not to be confused with our vet Sam. This should be fun! :-) 

Posted: Wed 10th October 2018

We'd like to welcome Patrick! Patrick is our new vet and he will be coming to a farm near you soon!! 

Posted: Wed 22nd August 2018

We are hosting our annual coffee morning for Macmillan Cancer Support. As usual there will be cakes galore made by our fair hands and tea and coffee for all our guests! Please come along and support us and this wonderful cause. 

Posted: Fri 17th August 2018

We would like to welcome our two newest TB Testers, Marian & Ovi! Please give them a warm welcome if you meet them on farm.

Posted: Thu 28th June 2018

We had a great time at Berkeley Show! Thank you to everyone who came to see us!

Posted: Thu 21st June 2018

The risk of Nematodirus is now tailing off for this years lamb crop but Strongyle counts will be rising steadily, especially in lambs on permanent pasture.  Instead of waiting for lambs to scour, it is well worth doing a worm egg count.

Posted: Thu 21st June 2018

Do my lambs need worming??? A routine question this time of year and deceptively simple. But with resistance becoming an ever increasing problem as well as the ever increasing need to reduce blanket treatments there is not a uniform answer.

Posted: Tue 12th June 2018

There have been a number of cases of fly strike in the last few weeks. Fly strike is not only a welfare issue it affects performance too. Ensure you flock is protected by keeping them clean and applying an appropriate product. Contact the practice if you need advice.

Posted: Mon 04th June 2018


Blowfly strike is a serious disease which affects a large number of farms within the UK.

Blowfly strike is caused by primarily by the green bottle fly which seeks to lay eggs in decomposing matter. The green bottle fly will look for carcasses, dirty backends, foot rot lesions and open wounds as suitable areas to lay their eggs.

Blowfly strike can cause huge problems for sheep and farm productivity.

Losses are incurred from:

Posted: Thu 04th January 2018

Dont miss out on our Sheep Lameness meeting on the 17th of January 2pm-4pm. Everyone welcome and refreshments provided.