Dairy Goats

Disbudding goat kids is an important management procedure in large herds of goats as they are liable to do some damage to each other with their horns. When it comes to disbudding, it is important to have a vet that is experienced in disbudding goat kids as it is not as straight-forward a procedure as it is in cattle. Our vets have a lot of experience and can offer a disbudding service tailored to your requirements throughout the kidding period.

We also offer a kid tracker service that monitors colostrum intake and early growth rates to make sure that your goat kids are healthy and getting the best possible start in life.

We can design a tailor-made vaccination protocol for your youngstock that offers the best protection against common diseases such as Clostridia, Johne's and Pasteurella.

We encourage our larger farms to have a meeting following each kidding period to discuss what went well and changes to make before the next kidding season. These meetings are invaluable tools for early detection of problems and tracking health and performance traits.

Find out about our Advanced Goat Breeding service here


  • We encourage and facilitate idea-sharing between our clients

Phone advice 24/7

  • With a vet that knows your farm personally