Looking at semen straws

Maximize Your Herd's Potential with Traditional Embryo Flushing

At Tyndale Vets, we offer MOET, or conventional embryo flushing, as a valuable reproductive technology for breeders seeking to enhance their herd's genetic merit. This technique provides a reliable method for collecting and transferring embryos, offering specific advantages for certain situations.

Why Choose MOET?

  • Improved Hold Rates: Embryos produced through conventional flushing may exhibit slightly higher conception rates.

  • Export Compliance: For exporting embryos to countries like Australia, MOET-produced embryos are often a requirement.

  • TB Restriction Compatibility: Even with TB restrictions on your farm, you can collect embryos from non-infected donor animals.

  • Flexible Transfer Options: Collected embryos can be transferred immediately into synchronized recipients or frozen for later use.

Understanding the Costs:

  • Collection Fee: £250 per collection.

  • Embryo Freezing: Approximately £32 per embryo.

  • Drug Treatments: Approximately £210 per donor.

Key Considerations:

  • Location Flexibility: MOET, like IVF, can be performed on your farm or at Tyndale Vets.

  • Repeatability: MOET can be repeated every 6-8 weeks, provided the donor is not pregnant.

Additional Requirements:

  • APHA Licensing: If your holding is under TB restrictions or you intend to export embryos to EU countries, we must apply to APHA for a collection license, and additional donor testing may be required.

Your Next Steps:

  • Contact the Advanced Breeding Team to schedule a collection date.

  • We will handle all necessary licensing applications.

  • We will provide you with a detailed program and drug treatment protocol.

    • Recipient synchronization for conventional flushing takes approximately 33 days.

    • This process involves around 15 interventions.

How MOET Works:

  • Reference Heat: The process begins with establishing a "reference heat."

  • Follicular Dominance: A dominant follicle emerges, suppressing the development of other follicles.

  • Follicle Removal: We remove the dominant follicle to stimulate the ovulation of the remaining follicles.

  • Artificial Insemination (AI): The donor is then inseminated.

  • Embryo Development: Multiple embryos begin developing within the donor.

  • Flushing: Seven days post-AI, embryos are collected through uterine flushing.

What to Expect on Collection Day:

  • Epidural Anaesthesia: Flushing is performed under epidural anaesthesia.

  • Uterine Catheterization: A specialized catheter is placed in each uterine horn.

  • Fluid Flushing: Fluid is circulated through the uterus to collect embryos.

  • Embryo Recovery and Grading: The collected fluid is filtered, and embryos are identified, graded, and loaded into labelled straws.

  • Official Records (ET1): Detailed records are generated, including donor, sire, owner, embryo details, and freezing information.

    • These records have a unique number for easy retrieval.

    • Copies are sent to breed societies, the client, and are kept on file.

    • Records accompany embryos during storage transfers.